The language expressed in this message is written in such a way that it will appear to you quite differently than it will appear to another. Please trust your own sense of this. I cannot explain how this is possible. I simply know that it is. Kee-ah Nah ke-wah saa- a-lah nah kee toe. Mee ahn ne a she af-fee e-a-nah e wee as see e-ahn nah ka she ahn nee-a ko tee ou me a mo. Nee mahn ne-a kaa he a-tas now a wee ahn nee a sha ka e-tee ah- e ahn now e-ahn now, e-ahn now. Saa, sa, saaaaaaaa…… In the beginning, when worlds were created, many "reality potentials" were woven into the fabric of physical existence. Subsequent lifetimes have passed increasing these original potentials, arriving now at this epoch in time and space whereby just a few will prevail - those deemed by the Higher Collective to provide the necessary ingredients that support ongoing evolution and conscious creation.
Said unto this space, long before man, were certain vectors and parameters – universal laws if you like – that would permit leaps in the natural path of evolution to occur, if deemed by the Higher Collective to be in accordance with the highest potential advancement of any given species. Said also unto this space – the fabric of potential reality – were certain vectors or equations in the time-space fabric that would give rise to alternating wave patterns that simulate the original energy of creation. Thus, the first sparks of man could be reignited and renewed at any point within the time-space continuum. Now is such time. And already an electrical impulse of original creation has been released into the human reality known as 2017. More correctly, this can be described as a moment outside time. Beginning mid-June 2017 and continuing until the September Equinox, this impulse is creating a wave like effect - similar to that from the bow of a ship. It is rippling through the mainframe of society upending any rigid structures that stand to impede the new universal flow as agreed by the Higher Collective. Simply put, the Higher Collective is the combined higher intelligence/knowing of All of us. It is the Higher Self as a collective energy rather than one individual. It is otherwise known as Earths Delegation of Light - for whom I am honoured to be a spokesperson. Earths Delegation of Light is a mighty force comprising many worlds, multiple galaxies and several universes. It is made up of many forms of physical expression and includes representatives of all worlds known to man and many more beyond. To consider it merely a council of Star Nations is to diminish it one hundred fold. From this Source of Universal wisdom and strength we can now draw inspiration, guidance and instruction. Not from without but from within. For it is within each of us that the portal to this knowing has always been held and it is from within that it is rising. There are key dates, grid points and locales that support leaps in this connection and there are certain people coded to awaken such. We are All a part of this, and whether consciously or unconsciously we are being called to release words, keys, codes, sounds, light, harmonics, frequencies or tunes that ignite the grid in its entirety - thus signalling the complete "take-over" of all former grids. This is not a de-validation of former grids or paradigms of experience but rather a collective agreement to play a different game. One that best supports our continued evolution and conscious creation on Earth - the jewel in the crown of Creation and epi-centre of cosmic alignment. This has already begun, setting in motion the most astonishing re-calculation, alignment and manifestation of potentials. Such is the power of Earths Delegation of Light – the current focal point of not only Earths expansion but so too the Universe that surrounds us. And that which surrounds that also. Sa-e-kaa-wah, now a my my she ah- ka lah e- ahn ne ou no. See e es que wah ou she alah nee ah ka ehn na-wah, sa e ka nee a, now a my e -ee nee ka-wah. Sa, sa, saaaaa…… If you would like to receive updates you can join our mailing list by emailing [email protected] And if you know others who may benefit then I thank you in advance for passing this on!
28/7/2017 05:20:54 pm
Lost for words!
Vicky CH
29/7/2017 10:47:08 am
Wahoo indeed Gloria, what a time to be alive! 29/7/2017 06:51:09 pm
I agree Vicky and Gloria! Such a time of renewal and a time to speak up those truths that have long remained lying in wait!!!!
Vicky CH
31/7/2017 03:20:35 pm
Awesome Phillipa, yippee!
Vicky CH
3/8/2017 03:39:23 pm
Thank you for sharing Julie. Wonderful! Much love to you also : ) Comments are closed.
AuthorHi, I'm Vicky & along with my husband Simon, it is a joy to bring you Coffee & the Cosmos from our slice of paradise in Southern New Zealand. It is our aim to bring you cosmic updates, insights & inspiration in an easy to follow & down-to-earth manner. So pour yourself a cuppa & join us, as we chat with the Realms of Light... Archives
April 2018