The following sound tracks have been divinely inspired and lovingly created to support you. Take from them what serves your highest good, and leave behind what doesn't. Please listen without interruption, and take time to sit and be afterwards. Namaste : )
New sound for a New year to support a New you! This short recording is imbued with optimism and reinforces our inner knowing: a reality of harmony & cohesion is real and available when we choose it. It can be easy. IT'S GOING TO BE ALIRIGHT:
During this pivotal phase of Ascension it is natural to feel discombobulated & unsettled at times. This 7 minute recording is offered as reassurance - gently soothing the outer layers whilst simultaneously strengthening the core. Please take time to sit and rest after listening. EARTH'S SONG:
A deeply soothing soundtrack particularly useful during heightened phases of transformation and to assist in re-calibrating with the Earth itself. RECORDING 55:
A short but sweet 3 minute recording with powerful Arcturian harmonics to support and nurture the tired. Please allow at least 5 minutes stillness and silence after listening. NEW BEGINNINGS:
Recorded live at Rennes-le-Chateau in Southern France during the June Solstice. Especially helpful if feeling unsettled by the "in-between" state that often precedes change. SOOTHE & SUPPORT:
A 7 minute track accompanied by the highly refined sound of Koshi Chimes. Perfect for settling the mental, emotional and physical bodies before beginning your own meditation or to assist sleep and relaxation. CALM AMID the STORM:
Assisting you to access your stillness....quickly. Offered with heartfelt gratitude and honor for those "feeling" the many changes taking place within Earths core, the Collective Consciousness and Galactic re-alignment. PURE CONSCIOUSNESS:
A 6 minute recording offered to assist you in re-tuning to the Pure Consciousness at the core of Existence. Especially useful when the hubble-bubble of life is getting a little too loud! WELCOME HOME:
An 8 minute guided meditation and sound recording brought through within the energies of the January New Moon. Offering deep alignment from the core of your being to the core of All that Is. |